Travis’ path to becoming a Marketing Director at Exclusive Insurance Brokerage is what could only be described as the road less traveled.  Following his graduation from the University of Redlands with a degree business administration and a distinguished All-American recognition in football, he moved to Germany where he continued playing football semi-professionally.  After hanging up his cleats, he went on to serve our Nation proudly for over 10 years as a Naval Aviator with multiple deployments to the demanding South China Sea and Middle East operational theaters.  Forged in the crucible of military aviation, his cool handed decision-making prowess and strategic acumen now form the bedrock of his approach, as he tailors innovative solutions to navigate intricate insurance and estate planning challenges for a select cadre of high-end financial advisors.  Travis resides in San Diego with his wife and beloved golden retriever, where he finds joy in a variety of pursuits, including reading, surfing and rock climbing. 

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